Best NES Games

Hi. Here is my list of my personal favourite games for the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Enjoy!

1. Super Mario Bros. Trilogy

So yes, #1 is a tie. It’s an amazing trilogy of games. If pressed I’m sure I would vote the third as the absolute best, but they all have many things I love about them, yes, even the “controversial” Super Mario Bros. 2. It’s great fun. Mario is the most recognizable video game character of all time, the gameplay is amazing and still holds up well today. Highly recommended.

2. Super C

Yeah, “Super C” as in “Super Contra.” A hell of a game. Tons of gun-play, dodging bullets, evil aliens, crazy machines, and cool enemies to battle. This is the kind of game the Turbo Controller was made for. That is, if you’re a pussy. The best way to play this game is to end up with bloody thumbs and blistered palms. End of story.

3.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game

Ninja Turles and Nintendo. These things were made for each other. Awesome game play, vastly superior to the first TMNT NES game (if you haven’t seen that Angry Video Game Nerd review of it, drop everything and watch it now!), and it’s everything a child from the late 80’s/early 90’s could ever hope for. This game made my childhood. I still love playing it every now and then, it gives you a warm gooey nostalgic feeling.

4. Dr. Mario

Hold on Tetris, Imma let you finish, but DR. MARIO is the most addicting game of all time. OF ALL TIME! Yes, Dr. Fucking Mario is an awesome and addicting game, and while I love Tetris and all, between the two I feel the game is much better.  I would play this game so much that every time I’d close my eyes I would see red, blue, and yellow germs and pill capsules floating around. It’s a very simple game but hours of fun.

5. Ninja Gaiden

This game is hard as hell. It’s frustrating, enraging, and you come to realize that it sucks being a Ninja because everything wants to kill you. But, hey- unlimited continues! Sweet! I’ll admit I never beat it, but that’s just something I’ve come to accept and it doesn’t really decrease my enjoyment of the game. It’s one of the few earlier games that actually had an interesting storyline to it and it’s full of interesting environments and enemies. It’s a challenging game game but it’s always a good idea to dust this puppy off and think, MAYBE THIS TIME I’LL BEAT IT.

6. 1942

This is just a good old fashioned arcade-style button-masher. The idea is very basic: You’re a World War II fighter plane. Shoot everything that moves. Go! You know you’re playing the game right if you develop arthritis before you hit age 20.

7. Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse

Skeletons, Medusa Heads, and Swamp Creatures- oh my! Just like Ninja Gaiden, this game is challenging as all-hell, but it’s such fun that you desperately keep coming back for more. This is my favourite of the Castlevania NES games. I like it just a little better than the first, and Simon’s Quest is infamously horrible. This game feels like a classic mash-up of all your favourite monsters. Playing this is more worth your time than seeing the movie Van Helsing.

8. Batman: The Video Game

You know, up until the release of Batman: Arkham Asylum, I’d say this was actually the best Batman video game ever released. I never understood why they could never make a decent game based on the character, but at the time this was the best thing we got. There’s punching, unique weapons, Ninja Gaiden-style wall jumping, and the music kicks some serious ass, too. You’ll find out pretty quickly that it has barely any resemblance to anything that happens in the 1989 Batman film by Tim Burton, but that doesn’t matter. It’s a damn good game.

9. The Little Mermaid

I know what you’re thinking- WTF? Little Mermaid? Are you kidding? Well, what can I say? I guess this is just a guilty pleasure for me. The game play was pretty unique for the time, the graphics are actually very, very good- and as far as movie adaptions go, this is very very faithful to the source material, and still one of the best Disney Film based games ever. Another plus is that it’s so insanely easy that you can beat it in about 20 minutes. Good times! Don’t be afraid to check it out. I won’t make fun of you.

10. Blades of Steel

Sports games today have such advanced graphics that they can completely emulate the facial and physical features of real players, but those get outdated so quickly and you constantly have to keep buying the most recent versions, which I think is stupid and a waste of money. Blades of Steel, however, is an 8-bit classic that has never gone out of style. The sounds are great for the time, and the graphics are decent enough. It’s a fun sports game and in my personal opinion, the best sports game for the NES.

So, that’s it. That’s my list.

Have a nice day. I’m off to find some mushrooms.


  1. Great list…but no Zelda or Mega Man?

    You’ve got to be crazy to leave those off the list.

    And your vote for the hardest NES game? There are LOADS of ridiculously hard games, but one that comes to mind is Dick Tracy.

    Nice blog, by the way.

    • Thanks man. Yeah I left out Zelda and Mega Man because I never personally got into them…I’ve only played some of the mega mans and never owned one so I never really familiarized myself with that series as much. And TBH I’m not a huge RPG player. So I have never played a Zelda game, which I get some dirty looks for.

      I remember playing Dick Tracy as a kid cause I loved the movie but damn that game was hard, and stupid. It took me like a half hour to figure out how to get out the damn car at the beginning.

      The hardest game I own probably has to be Top Gun. I have never. ever. Seen the second level.

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